Seminář Ústavu teoretické fyziky

Seminář se koná každé úterý v 10:40 v posluchárně ÚTF MFF UK
v 10. patře katedrové budovy v Tróji, V Holešovičách 2, Praha 8

21. května 2024
Alfonsine Astronomy
doc. RNDr. Petr Hadrava, DrSc.
Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
(seminář v angličtině)

Alfonsine astronomy is a corpus of astronomical knowledge which originated in the 13th century at the court of Alfonso X the Wise, the King of Castile and Leon, and spread throughout the medieval Europe. It includes mainly various sets of astronomical tables and canons (i.e., collections of rules) on their use, as well as treatises on astronomical instruments, mathematical and theoretical texts. The lecture will pay special attention to the so called Tabule resolute, the Central European version of Alfonsine tables for calculating the motions of the planets which were used up to the 16th century. Alfonsine trepidation (precession) will also be discussed as an example. This work was carried out within the ERC project ALFA (

Jiří Horáček                                                                                                  David Heyrovský